All About Your Dentists in Concord, NC

One of the main goals of our practice is to give our patients what they want. It’s that simple. Listening without judgement is the most important thing that we can do to find out what you want. Once we achieve the level of care you desire, we use education to promote higher levels. Everyone is unique and not interested in the same level of health, so a cookie-cutter approach makes no sense to us.

Our Core Beliefs and Values

Dr. Compton believes that all dentists are Cosmetic Dentists and attempt to create beautiful smiles. It is true that some dentists have more artistic ability than others, but we all strive to do our prettiest work possible. We have done a smile makeover on one of our staff, and invite you to stop by and take a look at her beautiful smile. Then you can accurately judge our abilities in dentistry in Concord, NC.

Dr. Compton has completed many advanced courses on the cosmetic aspect of dentistry over the years. The materials are always changing, but that makes dentistry exciting. He has noticed that many fellow Concord dentists attending the cosmetic courses with him would greatly benefit from the treatment they are learning and recommending, but don’t do it on themselves. That is like owning a Mercedes dealership and driving a Kia. Dr. Compton has had a smile makeover and considers the investment one of his best ever. We call this practicing what we preach.

One of the challenging aspects of dental practice is infection control. Once again, we welcome you to visit and tour our infection control room. We employ Total Medical Compliance to assist us in this area. They come and observe us in action and continually train us in infection control. It is comforting to receive high marks from them as they are on top of their game.

Our Beginnings

We strive to gain lifetime patients. We have many patients that have supported us for over 30 years. We’ve enjoyed watching young patients grow up, get married, and then bring their children to us. Nothing is more satisfying. When a parent is coming for a routine cleaning, we suggest they bring their young ones along to observe. Then the kids get to know us and this makes the transition for their own visits very smooth. And yes, if children do need some dental work, we allow Mommy in the room too.

When we started our practice from scratch in 1974, we received many calls from quality patients of other Concord dentists, who could not get an appointment for their dental emergency for several days or weeks. We would offer same-day treatment, and they usually then would become our new patient for life. We have learned from that and will never put your emergency off. You have our word on that! We always have coverage for times that we are not available.

Our Specializations

Nearly 40 years of professional experience is what you will benefit from when visiting the office of Clifford C. Compton III, DDS, PA. As your reliable, patient-focused dentist in Concord, NC, for all your dental care needs, Dr. Compron gives patients access to convenient, affordable dental technology. Here are some of the services our team offers:

Contact Dr. Clifford C. Compton III Today

Feel free to call our dental team or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment. We hope to meet you soon!


Office Hours

Mon-Thur: 8am-4pm
Fri-Sun: Closed

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