Having damaged teeth can put a hamper on your smile. Thankfully, you can turn to Dr. Clifford Compton. The most trusted dentist in Concord, NC, offers many options to help you choose the best dental restoration for your situation, fix your teeth, and get the shine in your smile back.
There are two main types of procedures to consider: dental bridges and dental crowns. Here, we discuss the merits of each to help you decide which is best for you.
What Are Dental Bridges And Crowns?
When you break a tooth, you may need emergency dentistry. Leaving a cracked tooth untreated can lead to cavities and other dental issues. Bridges and crowns are fixed prosthetic devices that are cemented onto the teeth or implants. They are typically not removable and are only available for cosmetic reasons.
A dental crown is a type of tooth-shaped structure that covers a damaged tooth. It can also help improve the alignment of the damaged tooth and provide additional strength.
If you’re missing multiple teeth, dentists often recommend a bridge. It can help prevent the erosion of the remaining teeth and prevent the onset of gum disease.
To know what procedure is best for you, consider dentistry in Concord NC at a reputable dental office.
What Do Bridges And Crowns Fix?
When it comes to bridges, we generally recommend a dental crown instead of a bridge after losing one or more teeth. Many issues such as sleep apnea can also lead to broken teeth needing to be fixed. Bridges and crowns can be done to help restore a fractured or cracked tooth, to cover dental implants, replace fillings and strengthen teeth that had root canal procedures.
What Are The Benefits Of Bridges And Crowns?
There are many benefits of visiting a dentist in Concord NC for a bridge or crown placement. Getting a restoration can help maintain good oral health. It can prevent a fractured tooth from eventually breaking completely, and it can also help restore a damaged smile.
How Long Will The Restoration Last?
The lifespan of restoration treatment depends on how well it is taken care of. You should brush and floss daily, and avoid biting down on anything that could damage the restoration. If you have problems with your jaw or grind your teeth, your dentist might recommend TMD/TMJ treatments.
Although one type of restoration is not always better than another, it is still important to discuss all of your options with a reputable dentist like Dr. Compton. Book an appointment today and find out which restoration option is best for you!