Cases that Need Dental Emergency Treatment

Dentists like Dr. Clifford C. Compton offer dental emergency treatment for patients who need immediate care. Dental problems can range from a broken or fractured tooth to severe toothache and bleeding gums. Each case varies among patients, which often leaves one with the question, “What are the cases that need dental emergency treatment?” Here are some common emergency cases to help you identify the ones that need the help of an emergency dentist.


Injury has many facets. The tooth may have loosened up or removed with trauma, needing immediate care from your emergency dentist. Restorative procedures may be performed to relieve the patient of the pain and discomfort associated with injuries to the mouth and teeth. Injury can also be in the form of a broken jaw. If this is suspected, do not touch or move the affected area and bring the patient to the dentist as soon as possible. There is a probability of dislocating the jaw when an inexperienced person touches it or attempts to move it.

Knocked Out Permanent Tooth

This happens when a permanent tooth gets knocked out due to an accident, trauma, or other factors. Whatever the cause is, a knocked out tooth can still be reattached to its socket when emergency treatment is performed in time. Each minute that passes risks the chance of losing the tooth forever. The best thing to do is to reimplant the tooth yourself and then head to your emergency dentist as soon as you can. The tooth can still be reimplanted within two hours after it was knocked out. Your emergency dentist is experienced to handle such cases.

Severe Pain

A toothache is one kind of pain that can be hard to bear. We don’t like it either; hence, we offer dental emergency treatment to patients who are experiencing severe pain with their teeth. The pain may be caused by decay, infection, or trauma. Dr. Compton is ready to assist patients who cannot sleep and function properly because of severe toothache.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums is a sign of gum disease; hence, needs immediate treatment. Your dentist will diagnose your condition and then perform treatments to stop bleeding and the spread of bacteria. Bleeding gums affect how you eat and speak, so consult with your emergency dentist immediately.

Cracked or Broken Tooth

A tooth that’s cracked paves the way for bacteria to penetrate the inner tooth chamber which can lead to infection. A cracked tooth will need root canal therapy or tooth extraction depending on your case. If a root canal therapy is performed, a dental crown often follows to cap the tooth completely and give it strength.

Your Trusted Dentist to the Rescue!

There are many other cases considered as dental emergency. If your tooth is causing you pain that you can’t handle, if swelling or bleeding occurs, or if you feel that you need dental emergency treatment, visit your dentist immediately. Dr. Clifford C. Compton is your trusted emergency dentist ready to help patients in and around South Concord, NC.

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