Child-Friendly Dental Trauma Treatments from a Dentist in Concord NC

Accidents are common among children-getting bruises, cuts, and wounds are always a part of childhood. No one can prevent them from being physically active. On the contrary, they should be encouraged to hone their bodily-kinesthetic abilities. However, in cases of serious injuries like dental trauma, children should be given medical attention immediately to prevent complications. Parents and guardians should be knowledgeable in dealing with dental trauma so that they can apply initial treatment in cases of emergencies. Injured children should also be brought to a specialist, a dentist in Concord NC for example, so that they can be given quality medical treatment.

Fractured or chipped tooth is one of the most common dental injuries acquired by many children. Typically, this is caused by accidents and falls. In some cases, this is self-inflicted–children who are always grinding their teeth can be at risk for tooth fracture. Although this is not as serious as other dental injuries, tooth fracture can be painful. If the injury involves pain and discomfort, it is best to bring the child to a dentist in Kannapolis NC so that he can be treated immediately.

Lost teeth due to accidents and trauma can be a serious problem, especially if it involves damage to the gum area. The wounds should be treated well by an expert dentist to prevent infections and other complications. It is important that the child’s mouth should be checked immediately after the accident to see if he has accidentally swallowed the missing tooth.

Dental intrusion (the condition where the tooth is pushed up) can likewise be painful. The tooth can damage gum tissues and hit the alveolar socket. The mouth should be compressed with an ice bag to prevent it from swelling. Dentists do not usually extract the primary tooth immediately. They wait for 2 to 3 months for the tooth to erupt.

It is almost the same case with loosened teeth–dentists don’t usually resort to tooth extraction. They opt to have the teeth tightened. However, it depends on the case. If the tooth is too loose, the dentist might advise to have it removed. Kids are typically afraid of tooth extraction. Problems concerning loose teeth should be addressed by a dentist Kannapolis NC can offer, such as Dr. Clifford C. Compton III.

Some dental trauma cases are so severe that painful muscle or tissue tear is involved. In cases of dental and facial injuries, patients should be handled by a dentist Kannapolis NC can offer, who specializes in treating more severe dental trauma.

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